ಶುಕ್ರವಾರ, ಮಾರ್ಚ್ 30, 2018


Generation Gap occurs when there is a considerable difference of age (an entire generation) between two people. It often becomes a cause of conflict between parents and kids.

Generation Gap is explained as the difference of ideologies and opinions between people belonging to two different generations. It may be a difference in the political views, religious beliefs or general attitude towards life. Here are essays of varying lengths on Generation Gap to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any generation gap essay according to your need:

People born in different ages are different from each other in various aspects. The world is changing at a rapid pace and thus the difference between people born in different times is inevitable. For instance, if we talk about India, people born before independence are different from those born today. There is a huge difference between the thinking of the two generations and why not? There is a drastic difference between the whole cultural, economic and social environment the two have been a part of.

Generation gap is the term given to the difference between two generations. The society changes at a constant pace and hence the lifestyle, ideologies, opinions, beliefs and the overall behaviour of people also undergoes change with time. This change gives way to newer ideas and breaks the unreasonable stereotypes and this in turn has a positive impact on the society. However most of the times it becomes a cause of conflict between two generations.

The parent child relationship is often affected due to their generation gap. It has been observed that the parents try to impose their values and ideologies on their kids while the later want to explore the world on their own. Many relationships have suffered due to generation gap. Several parents and children have conflicts because of their difference of opinions which they must understand is natural as there is a generation gap between them.

Generation Gap is referred to as the difference of beliefs and ideas between people from different generations. This is a common phenomenon and has continued for ages. The term is often used to state the difference of opinions between children and parents or grandparents.

Origin of the Term – Generation Gap

The theory of generation gap was introduced in the year 1960s. Around this time it was observed that the younger generation questioned and went against almost everything their parents believed. This included their religious beliefs, political views, moral values, relationship advice and even the type of music and shows they prefer. Noted sociologists such as Karl Mannheim observed the differences across generations and how generations separated themselves from each other in different situations.

Generation Gap – An Interesting Concept

While generation gap is usually a cause of conflict between the children and their parents, it is actually an interesting concept. The world would have actually been quite dull if it had not been for this gap. Each generation sets its own fashion trends, introduces its own slangs, influences the development of science and technology and comes up with fresh ideas and so on.

Generation gap has led to several changes in the society especially in India where the joint family system was prevalent since ages. The concept of nuclear families has been introduced in India off late and this is also a result of the generation gap. People these days crave for privacy and want to lead their life their own way and the joint family system is a hindrance to it. Many people are thus going for nuclear families. Similarly, many changes happening at various levels in the society are a result of the generation gap.


As is the case with almost everything/concept on earth, generation gap also has its own sets of pros and cons. There is a need for developing understanding and acceptance in order to bridge this gap.

The fields of science and technology are constantly evolving and so is the way of living of the people, their beliefs, notions and their overall behaviour. Thus, people belonging to different generations behave differently and have their own set of ideologies which is referred to as generation gap.

How is the Generation Gap Evident?

The people belonging to different generations have been given different names for instance those born before independence have been termed as the Traditionalists, the generation after that is called the Baby Boomers, those born between 1965 and 1980 are called Generation X and those born between 1980 and 1999 are known as the Generation Y. There are a few things that clearly show the gap between these generations. Here is a look at the same:

Family System

People belonging to the older generations lived in a joint family system and believed in sharing and caring. However, this concept has deteriorated over the generations. The current generation wants freedom and there is hardly anyone who follows the traditional way of living in the joint families. The overall lifestyle of people has changed drastically.


The Hindi spoken by people belonging to the pre-independence era is quite different from that being spoken today and the change did not occur all of a sudden it occurred over a period of time – generation after generation. Each generation adopts a new group of slangs thereby creating some division from the earlier one. Communication between people belonging to different generations at home as well as workplace sometimes becomes quite difficult due to this change in language.

Workplace Attitude

While people belonging to the earlier generations were good at taking directions and were loyal to a single employer, people these days get bored quite quickly and seek new jobs within a few years or at times even months of getting a job. The Gen Y people are innovative and want to share and implement their own unique ideas rather than blindly taking directions from their boss.

Attitude towards Women

Women belonging to the older generations were mostly confined to home. They were only seen as someone who should take care of the house, going out and working was the thing of the men of the house. However, society’s attitude towards women has changed over the generations. Today, women are allowed to enter any field of their choice and work just as men.


People belonging to one generation are very different from the other which is natural. However, the problem arises when people from different generations try to impose their ideas and beliefs on the other while totally condemning that of the others’.


Generation gap is basically the gap between different generations. The theory of generation gap launched in the 1960’s states that the younger generation is always seen questioning and challenging the ideas, viewpoint and beliefs of the older generations.

Classification of Generations

It has been observed that people from different generations behave differently in any given situation. Based on their point of view, beliefs, ideas, and over all behaviour generations have been classified into different categories. Here is a look at this classification in detail:

The TraditionalistsThe Baby BoomersThe Generation X GroupThe Generation Y Group

Here is a brief about each of these generations:

The Traditionalists

These people belong to the group that was born before 1946 and are now above 70 years of age. These are said to be the ones who take orders well and get satisfaction when a job is accomplished efficiently. They love sharing their experiences with the younger generations and like to be around people who appreciate their knowledge and experience. They are known to be loyal to a single employer. Most of them spend their entire life working for the same organization and look forward to the same loyalty in return.

The Baby Boomers

These people were born between 1946 and 1965. People from this generation are hard working but mostly not open to feedbacks. They want monetary rewards as well as promotions. Since most of them did not grow up in luxury, they make sure their children have everything they want. They also have an urge to feel appreciated. They want their employers and children to tell them that they are valued and needed. A lack of the same creates dissatisfaction among them.

The Generation X

People belonging to this generation were born between 1965 and 1980. Generation X wants their space. The best reward for them is in the form of time off. They want to do things their own way and don’t like going by any rules. They want to be told that they can do things the way they want. Most of these people saw both their parents working and the impact it had on them was not good. Hence, they give preference to their family life over their job. This generation is known to have pushed for flexible working hours.

The Generation Y

This is the group of people born between 1981 and 1999. Most of them have just entered the workforce. This group is interested in indulging into meaningful work and also looks forward to quick feedback. People from this generation are quite creative. They like working with creative individuals and at places where they are allowed to explore their creativity. This is a source of motivation for them and keeps them alive. This is also a generation that tends to get bored very quickly. Unlike the traditionalists, they change their jobs quite frequently.


The human race is constantly evolving and hence there is a change in the ideologies of people belonging to different generations. While it is completely alright to have an opinion different from the other however it should never turn into a cause of conflict.


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